11:27 a.m. - 2004-04-05

Monday. Today is a very exciting Monday,as they go. I'll probably be able to leave work early, tomorrow is a holiday, and I leave for Vegas on Wednesday. Wow.

I just moments ago got my idiot reservation for the hotel ironed out, but thankfully it's taken care of now. No insane running halfway across Vegas with half-closed suitcases and windblown pettiocats everwhere an hour before the wedding. Whew! I might even get the chance to go to a little bit of the jive class. :)

I did manage a few moments this weekend to work on the dress, and the good news is that my drafted pattern will work and the inserts will be fine. I think I'll need to open up one of the waist seams a bit to give the zipper a little bit of ease, but I ought to be able to finish it without a problem. If I actually am able to leave work early, I'll bet I can get pretty damn close to finishing it. And I thought that I left my procrastination skills behind in college. Ah, well.

I am so exhausted today! I think it's because of daylight savings time - I couldn't get to sleep last night.

Is it just par for the course that when a person gets married she has to feel like she's gained 50 pounds when doing dress fittings? I swear, if Metabolife were legal I'd eat an entire bottle.

Oh, f&*k it - I'll be in Vegas in 2 days, and then it won't matter even moderately.

Oh, enough. I'm half asleep and this is not interesting to read. Maybe later.

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