::Rock-a-Betty launches off into Rocket-Space!
4:23 p.m. - 2004-03-22

Well, kiddies, I am puttin' up a web journal. You're gona hear about all the wild and fun shakes I get myself 'round to!

This weekend, I went to Bimbo's 365 Club in San Francisco to see Big Sandy and his Fly Rite Boys, Ray Condo and the Ricochets, and Cari-Lee and the Saddle-ites. It was too bad that I got there late and missed Cari's set... she is as sweet as a doll and when I saw here at the cd sellin' table, she gave me a big ol' hug and a kiss on the cheek. I can't believe how nice she was (calling me beautiful!!), and so familliar, since I think I've only met her once before. I'm gonna hafta get out to see some more of her shows. :)

I also saw JH at the show. He is really a great fella and I'm glad to know him. I hope that my sweetie and I get to hand out with JH and his lovely wife KH more often. I like it when couples make friends and can double date 'n stuff like that.

I have just got to get my sweetie (here forth known as SW) to learn to dance better. I was literally in pain at Bimbo's because there are heaps and heaps of people dancing, and a lot of them very well, but my SW won't dance. He was a doll, actually, and after I started tearing up about it he danced with me three or four times, but he doesn't know much and is uncomfortable on the dance floor. I'm hopin' that I'll be able to manage to teach him how to be a super dancer (maybe we can take a class, or somethin') so that I won't feel like cryin' everytime I hear rockin' dance music. It's really a drag not bein' able to dance anymore! I don't know anyone and haven't getten to know anyone, really, because I'm just too tired to go out all the time, and thus, I haven't gotten to know people. I'm thinkin' about maybe startin' to go out to Broadway Studios on Tuesday nites - I'll get my dancin' in and won't feel so deprived when SW doesn't feel like lookin' uncool, and maybe I'll get to know some people to dance with at big shows like Bimbo's. I've got a hunch that most of the kids who dance at Broadway Studios don't show up at rockabilly shows, tho' and I really hope they aren't a bunch of dried out square yuppies and computer geeks like so many swing dancers are. And snobby to boot. And worst of all, really fuckin' uncool. At least SW is cool. He is always cool. Oh well. At least I might get to dance a little.

I ordered Miss Wolff's jiving video, and I'm hopin' that maybe SW and I can learn to jive together - it'll be a new thing for both of us, so maybe he won't feel uncool tryin' that out. It's an easier dance, too.

We're gettin' married in 18 days. Man, o rama! It's gonna be fun. I can't wait to do it, and I'm glad that he's so much more fun than husband-number-one was. Hilariously enough, husband-number-one is beating me to the married punch by exactly one week! HA! I hope that he and his (reputedly horridly ugly) woman (I've never met her, which I feel sure is a relief for both of us; I personally, have seen enough ugly people in my face for an entire lifetime, thanks to RW's living situation with the Ogre and Ogre jr) are happy together. And while I couldn't really give much less of a fuck about husband-number-one anymore, except that I'm relieved that he is the ex, I have this feeling she wouldn't be too keen to meet me. Besides, with husband-number-one's imagination, she probably thinks that I have lobster claws. If I did, I sure would have used them to clip that pansy assed ex of mine!!

I'm havin' too much fun thinkin' about knockin' him out. Gotta change the subject.

I've gotta figure out a way to get my moniesworth (is that a word?) out of the gym that I joined. All the boxing classes are either at noon or on the night that Broadway Studios has dancing. The only reason I joined is so I could box, which I really enjoy and is great exercise, but they've been cutting classes and I hate waiting around until 6.30 just to go to the one evening class, but lunchtime isn't really very reliable. Problem is, they've got other classes in the gym right after work, and there isn't any way I can just get them to hand a bag for me. I'm considering trying to do it first thing in the morning, but I know that I'll never drag my ass out of bed that early every morning. It's a drag and a waste of money, though. I'll keep cookin' on that one.

I talked to sweetie pie JG today back in IL. He caught me up on the news from back there - he and D are having another baby and are due in 2 months, and I didn't even know!! I can't believe that L didn't tell SW, but it is possible... JG said that L is doing sooooo much better - he's happier and more creative, and his woman ( have my issues with her, but hopefully she's finally gotten over all of her bullshit with me) is a lot happier too. I think it's fantastic and I hope they both stay happy and things keep workin' out for them. It made me glad to hear that they both seem a lot better. JG also said that SH isn't doing so hot, but after all he and his ex have been through, I can't blame him. I hope things start lookin' up, though.

Well, that's enough bullshit for one afternoon. I suppose I could get back to doing some work or somethin'.

--Oh, never mind. It's already 5. I guess I might as well keep spillin' it.

I am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeely excited about going to Vegas for the weekender and seein' Pea again and all the parties and shoppin' and drinkin'. I even made a vow that I would practice every day I'm there for at least 15 minutes, just to keep my hand in. I wanna gamble a little - I never really have - and I don't know s*%t about playin' craps, other than the basic rules (I haven't got the first clue on how to bet on it), but I wouldn't mind learnin' a little.

I hope that someone will be at the wedding to take lotsa pictures; since landman and landlady can't get there, I might have to appoint someone else to the job. I wonder if my sister wouldn't mind doing it... she used to be pretty creative with a camera.

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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....