::Workin' hard all day
2:52 p.m. - 2004-04-01

Well, ladies and germs, today has been a busy day at work. I worked hard all day, and now I have finished all of my work, and because W had to leave for a doctor's appointment, I now have tow hours to sit at the front desk and goof off. Hurray!!

When I was very busy this morning, my sister called me and wanted to talk about places to go to eat in Vegas. I thin I was rude to her when I told her that I was really busy and couldn't talk; I rally couldn't, as my boss was popping into my office every 90 seconds (her other assistant is at a funeral in the Phillipines and so my boss is doing a bunch of work that she usually doesn't have to do, and that I can't really do, but she's giving me lots of other work to do). Sorry if I was rude, I didn't mean to be. I just didn't want my boss to hear me idly chit-chatting about eating spaghetti in some Vegas-Sinatra hangout.

I had a coaching last night, and I'm glad that I did. I have a question, though. Why is it that everything a person needs to do as an opera singer costs at least $50 an hour? Lessons and coachings are really, really expensive, and in order to audition for anything, you typically have to pay an audition fee on top on the lessons and coachings you are using to prepare, and sometimes even for the accompanist to come and play for the audition. Wow. It adds up fast. Now, I'll admit, I am happy to pay for my voice lessons and my voice teacher is phenominal - she's worth every penny of the $65 an hour I pay her. I think that the fellow that I started working with last night will be good and worth the money also. I just don't want to be broke. The idea of a starving artist is rediculous - you have to be making decent money to even afford to be an artist! Ah, well.

Maybe with a little bit of luch, I'll do well in my audition for the Golden Gate Opera this weekend and I'll actually get a chance to sing in something. It's been such a long time since I've had the chance to perform. I would really, really like to start working again.

SW and I are going to be in Vegas at this time next week, and it will be the very last day I'm single! Wow. Today, I was taking a walk on my lunch hour (trying to find something inexpensive and non-fattening for lunch) and I just kept repeating to myself, "You are going to be married! You'll be his wife, and he'll be your husband!" It really does seem surreal somehow, but I'm very, very happy about it.

Some of the gals on the email list suggested that I do a money dance on Friday night during the show. Honestly, I'd like to do it. I think it would be fun, and probably hilarious. :) But I am not sure how exactly I would pull it off! SW seems to think that it would need to appear spontanious in order to work, but I don't know about that - maybe I'll leave it up to Katie and Sweetpea. : )

I didn't get back to the dress last night. My coaching ran over and I was starving, so I stopped at the In-N-Out drive through (yum). By the time I got home, though, SW was already in bed and I was exhausted, so I ate my hamburger and went to bed. I am a little bit tired today.

SW wants to go back and have a second look at this 1940 Chevy that a fellow in Pacifica has for sale. We saw it on Tuesday, but the battery was dead and he couldn't get it started so we could go for a ride. I guess he's got it charged now so that it will drive and SW has pretty much already decided that he wants it. I know he's excited, but I wish he wouldn't make up his mind about it until he knows if the car runs decently!! Still, though, it's a really great looking car, and it suppossedly runs great. We'll see. It does look cool.

My good, good friend MC and I are going to go out together for one last hurrah before I go and get myself married again. We're having drinks this Saturday, and I think that we're planning on the Beauty Bar. Funny enough, that was the last place that I had a sort-of bachlorette party. Actually, I remember having a few yummy drinks, but the music being lousy, and the night being all and all pretty boring. Becca was too young to come into the bar and Kari seemed bored - I don't know, though, it was a while ago.

Well, I think that's enough rambling for the time being.

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