::shredding patterns and a room at the Gold Coast
11:44 a.m. - 2004-03-31

I got a room!!!!!!!! I got a room!!!!!!!!! I got a room!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

H U R R A Y ! ! ! ! !

Okay, now I'm calm.

It worked out. :) The gal who emailed still had the room and she gave it to SW and me. I am so grateful that I won't be running back and forth between two hotels on Friday trying to figure out what the hell is going on just a few hours before the ceremony. Whew. I tried to call the Gold Coast last night to get things set up, but the reservationist told me that the person that the reservation inheld under (the gal who is giving it to me, or her boyfriend, I guess, since his name is on the reservation) needs to call and add SW's name to the reservation, and then we'll be able to use the room and pay for it and all of that. I emailed her again, and I hope she'll be willing to take care of that last little bit so everything will be settled.

I worked on my dress last night, if you can believe it... I drafted the pattern for the inserts and I think it's going to work well... I cut them out on tissue paper, but when I tried the dress on the patterns shredded, so tonight I think I'll need to cut them out again, this time on a paper bag or something else a little more sturdy. I was really frustrated last night after I spend all of this time painstakingly taking out the seam (as to not stretch or tear the 50 year old fabric) and then carefully pinning in the pattern piece, only to have it rip into little pieces as soon as I lifted the gown over my shoulders. Sheesh. I didn't practice last night because I was working on this and it pissed me off that I wasn't able to get it finished. Hopefully tonight, after my rehearsal, I'll get a chance to at least re-cut the pattern piece and see if it will work.

I have an audition on Saturday. I think I'll sing the Idomeneo and Zauberfloete arias, and the more simple one from Midsummer. I hope I do well and get a part - it would be really nice to finally do some performing again.

be || free

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