::vegas shows
1:03 p.m. - 2004-04-14

Okay. I'm back at the front desk for my daily hour of screwing around (an occasionally answering the phone or doing something mildly useful like opening the door for someone). I am slightly less sleepy (but still damn tired).

Vegas was f*%king awesome!!! I really had the best time. I wish that I hadn't been so tired the entire weekend - next year I am going to make a point of getting lots of sleep the week before so that I can live it up and not miss as many of the bands and the car show. I don't know what it is about car shows at Rockabilly Weekenders, but somehow I always miss them out of either sheer exhaustion or an intense hungover state. Ah, well. Maybe they shouldn't have them during the day, or something. I also need to make a point of bringing a better pair of sunglasses.

I had a kick ass time, though. The shows were great - I think the highlight of the entire weekend was when Frankie Lymon's original Teenagers sang. They were unbelievelable! It was really, really awesome. The sounded great, and they had the show all choreographed. Everyone went insane and absoulutely loved them - when the finished the set, the crowd went on for 15 minutes cheering and begging for an encore. The Teenagers weren't prepared to do one, and eventually the band and everyone left the stage and they turned the lights off. Still, the crowd cheered ann shouted "We Want More!" Finally, Big Sandy came back onstage and told us that they we going to sing one more for us. The crowd erupted with more cheers and whistes, and out came the Teenagers once again, to sing a stunning rendition of "Paper Castles." It was unreal! I was jumping up and down and cheering and crying all at the same time. Phenominal! Afterwards I got the chance to shake all of their hands, get their autographs, and have my picture taken with them. That's getting framed and hung up on the wall. How very, very cool.

I didn't really see a band that I didn't like. There were quite a few that I missed because they were playing downstairs, though and that was a shame. I spent a lot of time trying to find SW, and due to that I missed some things that I would have liked to have seen, but a person can't be in 3 places at once! The other band that I really, really loved, though, was The Extrodinaires. A doo-wop trio from England, these fellows are excellent musicians and showmen. Very tight harmony! The a cappella number they did knocked me out. And I will never know how people can do that trick where they jump down into the splits and jump right back up again, but these guys had it down. It was great! I looked for a CD to buy but noone seemed to have one. I think I'll try a websearch to see if I can find anything, because they really were out of this world.

And, of course, the WEDDING!! It was SO MUCH FUN! I don't think I've ever had such a good time at any wedding, and here I was at my own. Wow! We got married at the Graceland Chapel, and it was so spectacular - I was very impressed and I would recommend them to anyone. We had 2 Elvis impersonators at our ceremony. ... to be continued...

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