1:30 p.m. - 2004-04-21

Hurray. I just got back from the doctor and I have acute sinusitis for which they have given me a truckload of antibiotics and a course of steroids. Ick. Well, at least I know I'll get better now. I wish I could have gotten an appointment on Monday, so I would have had half a shot (wow, that was clever - three h words in a row! Aliteration, or something) of having my voice back for these auditions. I may have to write off WBO completely for this year. That would suck. As it is, I've already missed out on three opportunities because of illness and had one audition tape that **sucked** because I just barely got better in time to make the recording and I was rusty as hell and completely congested to boot. Well, the good news is that the steroids will really help me to quickly reverse the direction of this thing. Sigh. The story of my life.

Well, at least I know what's going on now, and hopefully with a regular allergy medication I'll won't have this problem anymore.

Well, despite my mildly irritated state, I'm doing okay. On my way out of the office to head to my appointment, I see SW driving down the street coming towards me. I honked my horn at him and we went around the block a few times before I was able to pull over and find out what he was up to. He said he wanted to stop by and say hello to me, but he couldn't find a place to park. I told him that it was okay, because he would have missed me anyhow - I was heading to the doctor's office. He said that he had brought me a surprise - it was a little raspberry shorbread bar that you can get at the coffee shop. It was sweet of him. :) I was glad to see him because he didn't get home from work until almost midnight last night (he usually works a regular 9-5 day) and I was already asleep. :) :) :) My sweetie is a sweetie.

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