::booming down
3:33 p.m. - 2004-05-13

I finally got around to writing today. I've actually been busy! Busy with work, busy talking to SW 8 times because he wants to know if I think he should still buy the little Italian Harley he's been wanting becuase he quit his job, since it's suppossed to be for me as soon as he gets it fixed up. Yes, for $200, I think you should buy it, even if we can't afford it, because you'll kick yourself later for not having done it. Ok, then four more phone calls about who to rent a pickup truck from to pick up the bike that is 100 miles away, and then a websearch to find a better deal, which I did. Okay then busy with trying to get a hold of the person in charge of scheduling the auditions for the Orlando Opera YAP because they are next week and I need to buy a plane ticket. Okay, then finding out that my audition is scheduled on FRIDAY, not SATURDAY, which means asking for the day off of work. Then asking ever-so-nicely to have the day off when my boss is also going to be out of town that day. Then reclaiming the last 15 minutes of my lunch hour to get some air and try to memorize the b-section of my Handel aria. The back to my desk to learn that yes (HURRAY!), she's giving me the day off.


The good news is that I saw the doctor last night and she gave me some meds and recommended me to an allergist who may then in turn recommend me to an ENT, just to be sure. I may get anti-allergy shots, which I think would be good if they help to feel better and to sing better! :) The bad news is that the allergy medicine she prescribed isn't covered by my insurance and if I want to buy it without the insurance, I get socked for 90 bucks a month. Sorry, but that's insane for an allergy pill. I've got to call her and tell her that I need something else that **IS** covered by my insurance.

I am, despite all of this, actually feeling much better.

My voice is feeling pretty good. I still have some gunk but it isn't too bad, and the nasal spray the doc gave me is helping. I think the air purifier is helping too, and I have some other allergy medicine I can take for the time being.

The doctor also gave me a different kind of medicine; it's not an anti-histamine, she said, but something that changes the cells so that they don't create histamines at all.... I guess it's called Singulair. I read the info on it (the pharmacy would fill this one) and it's intended for people with asthma. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was in the 6th grade, but I don't usually have trouble anymore. I think maybe I'll do a websearch and learn a little more about this drug and it's side effects. The doctor told me to try the Zyrtec-D and the nasal spray and see if that worked for 6 weeks and then if it didn't, I should start the Singulair. I didn't start taking it yet because I wanted to ask her if I should, or if she wanted to prescribe another anti-histamine and decongestant, instead.

I don't think she's in the office on Thursdays, but I'd better call over there just to make sure.

I'm sleepy and I could take a nap right now. I would, if there was any way I could get away with it.

Oh, and I'm not pregnant. I asked the doctor to test me yesterday just because I was there and I thought I'd better double check.

I pray and say :"Dear God, Please don't let me be pregnant..." The answer comes booming down: "You're not pregnant, you're just getting fat."

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