2:51 p.m. - 2004-05-12

I had a long talk with SW this afternoon on my lunch hour. When he finally gets around to it he has some really good things to say and some very poignent observations about things that go compeletly beyond my notice. Since they directly deal with me, it's really good that he's calling them to my attention.

Basically, I'm been moody and grumpy and depressed al day, primarily because I'm exhausted and not being able to sing the way I'd like. As I started talking to him, it all started pouring out - all the reasons why I'm stressed and unhappy. He told me that it makes him really frustrated that I'm always running around and running myself into the ground trying to do things for other people, because the price I pay is that I get sick and can't do the one thing that is most important to me: pursue my career. He told me that he'll happily do whatever he can to help me around the house and whatever else I may need so that I can practice and do the things that I need to do.

He is so good for me that sometimes I can't believe how really lucky I am.

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