::Dramatic Update...
12:11 p.m. - 2004-05-27

I'm updating! I'm updating!!!!

Not that it's that suprising, really, but my sister thinks that I'm overly dramatic. I'm not sure that I always am, but being funny about it never hurt anyone.

Of course, I'm not trying to suggest that I'm funny either.

Things are okay. Pretty well, I might even say. My mother is off of the sedative that she was on, and as a result she is much more alert and awake, and.... she's getting irritated at her husband becuase she realizes that she's been living in a filthy house for the last year and a half. Godd for her! In some small way, I kind of hope she decides to knock him over the head with a frying pan. He would deserve it. (!!) No, actually, I hate for them to fight, but I am glad she's finally coming to and realizing some things about her situation.

My Falcon is broken again. It's chugging and jerking and doesn't want to go. My mother's husband said that it is very possible dirt in the fuel line (the one thing he does know about is cars) and so SW is going to work on it today for me. It's making me insane that the Falcon breaks down so damn often. She's already been in the shop twice this month!! I spend an immense amount of money on that car, and it still needs soooo much work to make it what I want it to be! I am storngly considering getting something else instead. I hate to sell out and buy a Toyota, but I hate spending so much money on it. I don't know. I guess I'll see what SW can do and I'll think about what to do next.

I have actually been very busy at work and I want to try and get back to what I need to do today. With any luck, though, I'll be finished with everything by this afternoon, and then I'll be back.

be || free

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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....