12:54 p.m. - 2004-06-16

I, like everyone else on diaryland, was getting pretty frustrated with not being able to log in and update. So, I switched my gold membership from my other diary that I hardly use to this one. So now I can update whenever I want to! hee hee hee!


I haven't written in a few days because of the d-land situation. It's actually been almost a week! Sigh. Well, this is what's been happenning.

I worked for Peachy's both Friday and Saturday night of last week. It was exhausting, and I didn't really make enough money to justify having been out until 4am both nights. I hated the place I was at on Friday night - I was stuck in one pretentious nightclub all night long trying to sell to a bunch of jerks high on coke. It pretty much sucked and I was soooooo tired at the end of the night! It was the first time that I'd been in one place all night long (shifts I'd had with Peachy's before were runs, meaning that I'd visit 20-30 bars and clubs in a night and be in each for no more than 15 minutes. If a place is dead, you can split. If people are jerks, you can split. That's one of the perks of working this job - it isn't like waitressing where you have to be nice to the assholes for an hour while they sit at your table and demand you attention. If someone is a jerk, you can tell them to get fucked and walk away. And that's that. Except that I couldn't do that at the place I was at on Friday, because I was looking at the same fuckers all night long. Blech. Never again at that place.

Saturday was a lot more fun, but I still didn't make very much money. I worked in the SOMA district, where all of the big dance nightclubs are. I was in everything from an S&M club (everyone there was AMAZINGLY polite!!) to trance clubs to hip-hop to a swanky old-style supper club (that was dead,unfortunately). I don't think that I'd do the run again because the money stank, but this coming Saturday I'll be in North Beach, and if I make good money there, I might keep doing this for a while. If not, I think I'll can it (SW really doesn't like the idea of me out alone until 4am, and what's the point if I'm not making any money?). If I can it, I'll post a link to all of my blinking goodies that will be for sale on Ebay. :)

I will ***finally*** be able to have a lesson with my teacher next Wednesday!! Hurray!!! I haven't had a lesson for 2 months because she's been out of town, and I can't wait. I need it! I found some new rep that I'm working on - great stuff - and I even ordered a bunch of music from Sheet Music Plus that I've been meaning to get for a long time. I wish that I could have a day off in the middle of each week that I could spend practicing. Wouldn't that be fabulous? Last night, SW said to me : "I hope you win the lottery, honey; that way you could just stay home and practice all day long, and study with the best coaches you could find. And you could buy the best Falcon you could find, too." Isn't he sweet?!?! I hope I win the lottery, too. I even bought a ticket. :)

I was too beat to make it to my boxing glass yesterday, but I hope to go for a 1/2 hour or so at least after work today. The SW and I are going to re-arrange the spare room and make it more comfy and liveable and more of a music room - the harpsichord will go in there and my dad's huge old musty antique desk will go in the garage where he will hopefully pick it up soon (yeah, right). It's actually an okay desk; it's just too big for the tiny room it's in. I already have a 2 big bookshelves and a drafting table in there... I am going to try and see if I can make it cozy and nice to practice in, even though there is waaaaay too much furniture in there. I'm half tempted to get rid of the huge ikea bookshelf I have in there and replace it with something smaller, but it's pretty well stuffed. I don't know. I guess we'll see what kind of re-arranging I can do tonight.

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