::Questioning identifiability
12:40 p.m. - 2004-07-15

You know, when I started this journal, I never even considered the fact that there might be people out there would would read it - I dare say even on a regular basis! I figured it would be a good way for me to sort things out for myself without laying it all on someone else, like SW. I've found that I tend be be more calm about things after writing about them, and it often gives me a plan of action once I've sorted it out. At some point after a handful of folks started getting interested in reading my posts, I wondered if I ought to be more reserved in what I wrote or described, as to protect the innocent (for lack of something better to call it). In general, I think that this is unnecessary, but there are so many personal details outlined in these types of diaries that if a person who did know me happenned upon it, he or she would most certainly know who I am.

But does it really matter? I mean, seriously. So what if someone happens to read this that perhaps shouldn't be? I am a pretty straighforward person, I think. I'm not a Texas-type of tell 'em exactly what they don't want to hear person, and I certainly make an effort to be polite, but I don't think that there are that many secrets about who I am that would make it dangerous for me to keep a personal journal online. And yet - well, I don't know. There is just something about it I guess. On the other hand, it is sometimes nice to get feedback from stangers who don't really know you, and as a result, are probably more honest.


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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....