4:16 p.m. - 2004-07-14

I am fat. Indian food makes me feel fat. Blech. It tasted good, though.

I never exercise anymore. I never dance, and even thinking about going to the gym is a frickin' joke. I pay them all of this money every month, but the truth of the matter is that I don't want to go to the gym after work. I want to go home and relax for a few minutes before I get some precious practice time in. I never get enough sleep, so going in before work is rediculous and isn't going to happen. I should really just cancel the membership and apply that money somewhere else. Or save it, since we're broke.

I have considered the Hollywood diet - the one where you drink nothing but juice for two days - and it isn't completely offputting. It's suppossed to help cleanse your system, too. But the last time I tried it I got my wheel stolen and ended up the night with a beer - so I think I defeated the purpose of that one. What I can't swallow is the $20 price tag on a bottle of juice! That's all it is, folks - a bottle of juice fortified with what amounts to a multi-vitamin that you can just take. I dunno.

The only kind of exercise that really appeals to me is swing dancing. Maybe I should just try and go every night. But then, my practice time has just diminished to zip.

I just don't want to turn into a huge plump opera singer.

On that note, I was passed over for the solo in the C Minor Mass. The other girl didn't sound so hot, but she had been singing with the company for five years, so I knew she'd get it over me. That's just the way things work sometimes. You could tell that she thinks that she's just the shit by the way she sang wrong notes loudly and persistantly from the first row of the soprano section. Sigh. Well, with any luck, maybe I'll still be considered for a role in Zauberflote in October. Something's gotta give!

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