::a really long tangent about winning the lottery and Tom Waits
2:50 p.m. - 2004-07-30

Well the Falcon got three new tires. The wheel I bought to replace the one the jack-a*& at Big O Tires stole doesn't fit on my car. The spacing between the lug holes is too wide. Good Grief.

So I'm driving to Sacramento tonight after my rehearsal to stay with my sister who had her tonsils out today. To make sure her dog has food and goes for a walk, mostly. Driving two hours on one wanky wheel and three good tires. It should be funny, but it isn't. It's just annoying and stupid and I'm really tired of this annoying tire fiasco. Just get the new wheel and get it over with already. Sheesh.

The good news is that here at work at 4.30 we'll be drinking champagne to the fact that out office is earning waaaay over budget. Not that I had anything to do with that, really.

I like my job and the fact that we often drink wine on Friday afternoons, and we're still getting paid for it.

W is gone for the next 6 weeks. One of the plays he's acting in got picked up by the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and will be playing there. I think it's great and I'm jealous as I could possibly be. I've always wanted to go to Scotland. I hope he has an awesome time. He definitely deserves it. :)

That's it, really. I'm nervous about the Lyric audition, but what else is new? I'll miss being able to spend the weekend with SW, but he'll just work on his car and eat things I would never cook. I hope I'll be able to relax at my sister's. I hope to spend some time in her backyard or garage going over the audition material. And I'll be able to pet her kitties and play with the dog.

I want to figure out some way to lose weight, although I think just minding what I'm eating has lost me a pound or two. I need more exercise, but the gym has proven to be mostly impossible - if not impossible, just really hard to manage. I never seem to have enough time to practice due to the fact that I'm sitting here at work all day (I do often practice at lunch, though, which is good, and noone seems to really mind. But it's not enough). And the class is only one night a week. And I hate the instructor. The swing dancing was a good idea, and really fun - but again, the practice time issue. I feel like I can't go if I don't have something impending coming up. How in the hell did I find time to go to the Swing Club at IU every single frickin' Monday night? I have no clue. Maybe I wasn't studying hard enough. Honestly, though, it was probably that I was done with classes by two (not 5) pm, and thus had 3 extra hours to get everything done I needed to, including practicing. I am finding that I'm exhausted most of the time. I've found that if I go home and take a nap for 45 minutes that I get much, much better practicing done in the evenings. I think I am going to re-vamp my schedule a little bit and go home, put dinner in the oven, then nap while it's cooking, then wake up, have dinner, and then practice. Maybe it will work. Maybe if I can get all of that done by 9 then I can even head to swing dancing once or twice a week.

I really miss my friend Katie. She's off in Indiana. I got an email from her today with her new address in South Bend. I wish I could see her more often and that she wasn't so very far away. Katie is the very best person I know. She's my best, best friend and has always been there for me through a million dramatic and freakish incidents - and then for the for the good ones, too, like being my beautiful maid of honor for SW & my wedding. :) With her and him, I've got everyone in the world that makes me happy. :)

I wish I had millions and millions of dollars. Not only would I quit my job to have plenty of time to practice and be very, very orgainzed, but I'd fly to Indiana and pick up Katie and take her and SW somewhere fantastic. Hurray! And then I'd buy a perfectly restored Falcon and something else that would always run and be very reliable, like a Toyota. And I'd get something really great to ride, too, like a 59 Triumph. And I'd buy a great big house with a mammoth garage where SW and I could park [I]all[/I] of our cars and motorcycles and have plenty of room to work on them. The house would be somewhere beautiful and not damp, and would have lots of room for guests to stay, as well as a beautiful music room and library where I'd have my harpsichord and a nice piano and several seats and music stands for group rehearsals. I'd have good recording and sound equipment in there, along with good headphones so I could crank the Mozart (or alternatively, Tom Waits) and noone would be bothered. :) I'd have wall to ceiling attractive wood shelving built into the room so that I could arrange my scores neatly and have room for everything. Wheee! I'd also have a huge kitchen with an island and I'd buy a kitchen-aid stand mixer (I've always wanted one of those) and I'd bake bread all the time, since the mixer would do most of the kneading work for me.

Speaking of Tom Waits, he is co-producing a play here in San Francisco at ACT and I just can't wait to see it. I am going to try and volunteer usher on opening night so I might have some sort of chance to meet him (or at least see him). I used to work at ACT so I know my way around backstage, even if I'd never be allowed to usher again if they caught me somewhere where I shouldn't be! ha ha ha. I'll bet that they'll have a laugh 9if not a shock) when I show up to volunteer. Gosh, it would be really amazingly awesome to meet Tom Waits. That would certainly make *my* day!

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