::Can't wait for Vegas
12:43 p.m. - 2004-03-29

Happy Monday. :)

It is a lovely day again. Weekend was nice - I didn't manage to work on my dress (I will start it TONIGHT!), but we did find shoes for SW for the wedding. It was really nice and sunny yesterday and it was fun to drive the Falcon around in the good weather. SW and I also went to have lunch at a yummy Mexican place. Sunday was a good day. I got lots of practicing done this weekend, too. I did end up going to the grocery store, though. Maybe I can re-arrange the shopping day after we get back from Vegas.

I am completely and utterly broke. I will be paid soon but almost all of my money is already allotted, leaving me very little to take along with me to Vegas. I'm trying to justify that as a good thing because I won't be tempted to gamble without any money, but it isn't working because I've never been much of a gambler. I guess I won't buy so much vintage clothing, though!!!

Ah, well.

I am bored at work and would really love to go home.

be || free

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