::hot Monday
12:24 p.m. - 2004-04-26

So, I called my voice teacher on Friday after work because I was (and still am)concerned about taking this course of steroids that the doctor prescribed to me. I asked her if I ought to take them, and it makes her just as nervous as it does me. She said that she really wouldn't "sing on them", but that since I've been having such a hell of a time with these sinuses that I should probably follow my doctor's advice and take them. I cancelled the WBO audition, because there was no way that was going to happen. "But," I asked her, "what about the scholarship competition?" She said that the best thing to do would be to not sing until Saturday morning, and then just see how I feel; if I did do the competition, I should afterwards spend a good two weeks of not singing *at all,* to let my voice rest and heal. I'm trying not to talk too much for the next few days in order to let myself ease back into a healthy voice.

I did sing for the scholarship competition. It was the first time that SW had the chance to hear me sing in public, and he told me afterwards that it made him nervous for me! I though I sang okay considering how unwell I've been and that I couldn't talk two days prior. Actually it felt remarkably good considering all of that. It wasn't perfect; but it wasn't really horrible. The only finalist they picked from my group was an 18 year old gal from Stanford that even SW (who knows nothing about opera) wasn't impressed with. I didn't stick around to listen to the rest of the singers. What I did enp up doing may not have been the smartest move in the world, but who knows. I went with Irene (my accompanist) to an open audition for an opera company in Santa Clara. I sand the Adele aria and I think I sang it well, but then the artistic director asked for Handel which I wasn't really prepared to sing (and I shouldn't have - I should have told her I didn't have it). But I don't suppose it was awful either. I don't know - I'll mail my resume and headshot to her and then maybe by some crazy freak chance of nature I'll get a call. I guess you never really know.

After all this was over, SW and I went over to a little Mexican place before we headed home - it was a hot day and my poor little Falcon had to sit in traffic for an hour (I of course, was all dressed for auditions in my suit and was dying with no air!) but SW was on his bike so he split traffic and got home a 1/2 hour before I did. Ah, well.

Then Saturday night SW and I went over for drinks with J&K. It was fine, but SW got there really late (hell I was late, too) and then a bunch of his riding buddies showed up and they all sort of crashed J&K's place. I felt really bad about the whole thing! They were having this nice low key get together, and then we show up with four other people ... I don't know. I feel awful about it! J&K were totally cool and nice about the whole thing, but it sucked that it happenned. I like them, and I don't want them to think that SW and I are assholes! Yikes. :( We're planning to have a cookout in the next few weeks, though, so hopefully J&K will be able to come and I can make it up to them then.

It's 90 degrees or something today! Hot! It's sunny and really pretty out, though, so I think I'm going to go for a walk on my lunch hour.

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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....