1:28 p.m. - 2004-04-27

Oh f*&k.

I just talked to my sister on the phone, and it's possible that my mother may have diabetes. This conerns me GREATLY. My mother is a very young 51 years old, and yet she has more health problems that a person 20 years her elder. She is on so much medication that her sense is gone, and she's in a happy land where nothing can touch her - except her health, her weight, and her asshole husband who doesn't give a rat's ass about her and doesn't take the steps she needs to be a healthier and happier person. The really frustrating part of all of this is that my mother is in this state due to severe over-medication. That's what I have always thought. She has some minor heart problems, and as any good Scottish woman would, one hell of a temper. So, the head doctor gets together with the heart doctor, and they decide - "Oh, let's put her on a mood lever to help calm her down and prevent emotion induced heart strain." This, in and of itself, isn't a wolly awful idea. But then they realize they cam make more and more money by adding giving her a higher and higher dose, until she has gained over 70 lbs and has no sense of anything going on around her! She used to me a meticulously cleen housekeeper, but now she lives in filth; she has always be a keen and adept artist (her life's passion) painting and sketching beautiful and detailed and meaningful art - now, if she paints at all, she paints lovely little flower scenes and creeks and barns. Not that there is really anything worng with creeks and barns, but there is no substance in this work! She's compeltely out there! She has lost any kind of concern for her personal being; she told me the other day that she still had nail polish on her toes from the evening I gave her in December. (The evening I looked at her feet and thought - oh, my God, it looks like she has diabetes). I even mentioned something to her and asked her to talk to her doctor about it the next time she went it, but I'm sure she forgot.

My dilemma is this. If she does indeed have diabetes, she will need to exhibit a major lifestyle change in order to overcome it. Unfortunately, she is in no position to do anything of the sort at the moment. She has no conviction, nothing of the strength and endurance that she used to - that I have always strived to be more like. She just lets the world float by her. And her husband doesn't care and does nothing about the situation.

.... to be continued...

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