::oh, blech.
10:50 a.m. - 2004-05-12

Well, my sister doesn't seem to be mad at me anymore. She called me four times yesterday. Too bad that she didn't feel it was worth her while to apologize.

She said that she has more photos of the wedding, which is great and I'd love to see them. I don't want to talk to her four times a day, though. Actually, I don't even want to talk to her every day. Once a week would be more than sufficient for me. It's been bugging me all morning that I thought that I had something that I needed to ask her and now I can't remember what it is.

SW quit his job yesterday. He took in all of the company logo shirts, the cell phone they finally got around to getting to him two weeks ago (and it's a TracFone - how cheap is THAT?) and he told him that this is it, I quit. They were pissed, because he had promised to stay through the end of the month. the thing is, they were suppossed to get a company van for him to drive for work waaaaay back in November when he was hired, and he's been driving his own car around this whole time. Well, on Monday the car gave up the ghost and finally died - or mostly died, anyhow - the brakes went out. The transmission has been slipping for a quite some time and it's rusted to hell, so all in all, the car was on its last legs anyhow, but it would have lived a lot longer if SW didn't have to drive it all around the Bay Area every day running from place to place. He ran his car into the ground for them and I don't blame him for not wanting to be responsible to driving one of his co-workers cars around; and besides, he is quitting anyway, so now is as good a time as any. I just hope we'll be able to make all of the bills.

It seems like I keep gaining weight! Arg! It's annoying me and I want to go back to the gym, but up until about today I haven't felt well; I didn't want to try and go when I was on antibiotics and steroids and stuff. I hope I'm not pregnant or something like that. Oh, I don't even want to think about that.

I feel a little bit detached from reality today. It's like there are all of these things going on around me that I should be involved in, and I'm just watching it go by. I hate that I'm not making the progress that I want to musically; I hate that I keep getting pushed back and that I have to keep retracing my steps forward. The good news is that I warmed up in the car and sang some vocalises on the way to work, and things are starting to feel better. Maybe I'll be able to sing the Fire Aria after all.

Maybe I'll win the lottery and then I can focus all of my energy on doing things that I want to do, and SW can go to barber school and I can just audition, audition, audition until something finally breaks.

And I would get a puppy.

Something is eating my tomatoes and basil! I went out into the yard to water my new plants yesterday when I got home from work, and the basil was totally eaten! The top four little leaves were totally stems with no leaves at all! It seems pretty quick for them to be being eaten, since yesterday was Tuesday and I planted them on Sunday afternoon.... I hope that the hardware store will have some sort of pesticide that won't make my food plants icky and unedible.

Ohhh.... I just want a day off. :(

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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....