::Li'l Falcon and Orlando Auds
1:02 p.m. - 2004-06-01

I'm tired, but somehow not as tired as I think I should be. I'm kind of that completely exhausted so I'm calm tired.

I talked to the Orlando Opera today. The finals for the competition are on Sunday, and finalists who auditioned out of the state of Florida will be flown to Orlando on Saturday. I was trying to find out if the finalists from LA had been picked so that if I made it I could plan for it, but I was informed that they are hearing people in Orlando until Friday, and everyone who auditioned will be notified Friday night of the finalists. So, basically, if I am a finalist, I'll be notified on Friday and then fly out the next morning. How crazy. It's making me nervous! We'll just have to wait and see what happens, I guess - in the meantime, practice like mad and choose a competition dress and have it dry cleaned!

SW and I went to a party on Sunday. It was fun - a car club in the East Bay. Well, sort of. Actually it was a bunch of rockabilly folks who all live in this one house, and they are all in a car club (the fellas in one and the gals in another). They cooked out and it was really nice to meet a bunch of new people. I didn't drink much because I was driving; it was actually a really good thing because I didn't make an ass out of myself by getting drunk and doing something stupid. I did make up for it by drinking an entire bottle of wine by myself last night though, which became a real adventure when SW insisted that we go and do the grocery shopping. Sheesh. Why couldn't he just leave me alone, already? Wobbling through the grocery store wasn't such a good idea for toasted l'il me, but I guess that's what you get. He had to drive my car (which is semi-fixed) because there was no was I could have. I've been thinking about it, though, and it was nice that I made an effort not to get really drunk at the party on Sunday, and I think, in general, I am going to make an effort not to drink lots. I don't usually drink a lot - I'm not a lush and I don't want you to get the wrong idea. It's just that I can remember all of these really, really stupid things that I've done when I'd been drinking and it's really embarrasing, and the embarrasign feeling doesn't go away, even though some of these things were a really long time ago! I don't like feeling like that and so I think I'm going to try and not drink very much. Since I'm flat broke, it is probably not a bad plan anyway.

The Falcon is running better now. Not great - there is still something not working quite right, and I think it is that the vacuum hose is loose. The reason the car was shaking and running so badly was that the rotor was broken and only four of the six cylinders were firing. So, the falcon gor a new distributor cap and rotor (I actually just replaced the distributor cap about a month ago, but we wanted to be sure). She also got a new fuel pump and filter, lots of carb cleaner and fuel line cleaner, and a new fuel line and vacuul line are on their way here as we speak. Along with the new starter, points, spark plugs and spark plug wires she got last month, that little car ought to be running great. I'm still thinking about getting a little pickup truck or something, but we'll see. We'll see how my my ebay auctions do.

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::I AM This is the rants and raves of a Rockabilly Opera Singer. So far, I'm the only one I know out there....