::Insanity in the Middle West and Big O jerk face
12:56 p.m. - 2004-07-06

I've been losing steam in adding entries lately, so I decided to go ahead and update before I read anyone else's diary. Usually I'll get to reading them and never get around to writing myself.

All kinds of things have been happening to me in the last week; some amazing frustrating, and some just sickening enough to make a perfectly healthy person sick to her stomach. I guess I'll start with the oldest first. I'll try and give all the pertinent details, also, even though I've told the story far too many times now!

A week ago on Tuesday evening after work, I went in to Big O Tires to buy some new tires for my Falcon (I had called all over and they gave me the best price quote). I decided on a set and they told me that it would take about 25 minutes, so I sat down to wait. A few minutes later, the salesperson comes up to me and says "Do you realize that you have one wheel that is smaller than the others? You'll need to buy another wheel to match the three you've got." "What?!?" I ask... well, he takes me over to my car where there are four wheels lying in a pile on the ground next to the car. Three are my white wheels that I recognize and the fourth is some other wheel, smaller and metallic silver - obviously a different color and looking nothing like my other wheels. "That's Bullshit," I said. "That's not my wheel! Where is my other wheel?" Well, the salesman got a blank look and the other service people working on the car try to show me that the hubcap fits (they are all Spanish speaking). I got instantly angry because it was obvious that they were trying to scam me.

I stood there insisting that they find my wheel and put it back, getting more and more upset until the manager/owner of the shop comes up to talk to me. He tried to convince me that this is most certainly the wheel that was on my car; that I didn't have any clue that I was talking about, and that this kind of thing was common. I told him that this was rediculous; I knew what kind of wheels were on my car! I had carefully washed the wheels and tires only two days prior when I had washed my car and it would have been blaringly obvious that this wheel was a completely different size and color! Also, I bought this car because it is the car that I have always wanted to own, and I am in the process of trying to fix it up and make it into exactly the car I want it to be!! I pay attention to the details of my car. (She may not be perfect yet, but I'm working on her!)

Well, he still insisted that I was a moron and didn't know what the hell that I was talking about. He said again that this was most certainly the wheel that I drove in on, but that if I was really all that concerned about it, he would let me take a look at the security tape to see which wheels I did drive in on, but that I wouldn't be able to see the tape until the clse of business the next day, because he couldn't stop it until they had closed for the day and that after that, the tape would need to be sent to Vallejo to be edited (WTF?!?!?!?!?). After I pointed out

I will continue this, really I will

I hate it when I have to do that - I almost forgot to get back here at all.

Anyhow, in the interest of getting to the point (not one of my stronger skills), I'll summarize the rest. The shop owner treated me like an idiot and refused to give me back my wheel, even after I pointed out all of the obvious reasons why is wasn't mine, and the fact that it seemed awfully fishy to me that the tape needed to be edited before I could view it. As of today, however, I stll have this funky un-matched wheel, because he wouldn't cough up mine that he intentionally lost in his shop. He even had the audacity to try and sell me three tires for my wheels that didn't disappear. The guy is a slime. I reported them to the Better Business Bureau and the automotive-whatever it is state agency. I think I'm fucked in that I'm not going to get my wheel back, because ass-face isn't going to admit that he stole it. I'm in the process of trying to find new wheels now.

The rest of the news is just charming; I found out that one of SW's best friends (B) who helped him build his bike has been having an affair with another one of our best friend's wives (S) - it's insane because B is about 25 years older than S and has been married to his wife for 20 years. S has been with her husband BY since high school. They've been carring on behind everyone's backs and noone had a clue. SW's pretty pissed off about the whole thing. I think he feels betrayed.

I'm flying to the Midwest for my wedding reception on Thursday and I'll get to see all of these charming individdles, including the wife of the singer of the band that's playing who as we all know has a special kind of hatred for me (check the archives for the history on that one). The bass player and his wife are getting divirces, too, after she went to Chicago and had herself photographed sleeping with two other men - suppossedly because she thought that this would turn her husband on. I don't know - they all need to be committed. I'm so glad that I don't live there anymore that words fail me.

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