::The secret
10:17 a.m. - 2004-10-19

Since I have to go through the defending myself to the lamenting well wishes of my mother whenever I have an audition and don't get called, I thought I'd just get it off of my chest here.

It would be easy for me to think, "Well, I must suck, since nothing seems to be happenning here." I know that simply isn't true! :) every time I come into contact with a person (that is, someone who actually gives me feedback and isn't just sitting behind a table and scribbling)that person almost always has good things to say, and they are always educated and actual comments, not just "OOOH, you sing so Peeeeeeeeeerrty!"

Besides, I don't need these people to tell me this kind of thing. I know that there are specific things that I want to work on and make better, but I know that I have some very good things going on and that I have a good instrument.

I know that the competition is rediculously fierce. Rediculous is really the word! From tens of hundreds of singers do they pick the few that will participate in each YAP or program. How can one make herself stand out amongst thousands of sopranos across the country, just to get the chance to be heard?

I'm trying to figure that out. :D I have a hunch it isn't blue hair, though.

It's so crazy, sometimes I think if I were an actress in Hollywood waiting tables somewhere, I'd have just about the same chance.

I think the trick is constant hard work, but letting yourself get enough rest, too. And believing that it will happen.


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